Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cabbage juice

Cabbage juice is appropriate to deal with anemia and constipation.If you feel tired and anemic’ve recommended each day for three weeks to die drink 1 glass of Cabbage juice.Symptoms of anemia include a pale color, fatigue, lethargy, are aggressive. It’s sad that the world pours into people’s lives and the world is dark.If you suffer from any of these problems which wines can trust.The cabbage family are generally broad and full of vitality.Cabbage juice recipes, learn to deal with these problems.Cabbage juice is rich in vitamin C and is highly effective in anemia and general fatigue.

Cabbage juice recipes :
Separate cabbage leaves and wash them .The leaves are crushed and put into a blender.The water intake too quickly to not lose its properties.If you feel tired and you’re anemic recommend Vodka Drink 1 glass per day for three weeks.If due to climate change or any other reason you are constipatedوDrink 2 to 4 cups of Cabbage juice per day until the problem is resolved.

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